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Benefits of a Musical Education

Music is one of the most important areas for homeschoolers to teach. It can also be one of the most neglected. There are so many benefits of a good musical education! Check out this video for a great overview of what happens to your brain when you play a musical instrument!

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If playing a musical instrument creates all of those connections, then your kids are bound to learn other subjects better because of the increased brain connections that are being made.

There are a host of other benefits to having a good musical education as well. Here is a short list of 5 reasons to give your child a good musical education.

Personal Enjoyment

The majority of adults enjoy at least one hobby. Most hobbies are skills that we have worked hard to learn and maintain. Why shouldn’t we give our kids the same opportunity to develop hobbies that they can find life-long enjoyment in?

Learning to Work Hard

Once someone starts enjoying something, they usually start doing it more. This leads them to try new challenges and to practice so that they can improve their skills. As your child encounters other challenges in their life, you can remind them that they had to work hard at their instrument to get as far as they have, and that they will have to work hard at anything else they want to be good at.

Seeing and Hearing Their Accomplishments

One of the easiest skills to see progress in is musical ability. When your child is hitting a wall or feeling frustrated that they aren’t making progress, you can flip the music book back to the beginning and show them where they started. They can literally see how far they have come. If you record their first couple of practice sessions, you can pull that out and let them see and hear what they were like when they first started playing.

Develop Their Talents

Providing your child with a good quality music education is a wonderful way to help them develop their talents. Developing their talents will give them confidence and self-esteem. 

Serving Others

Being competent in a musical instrument is a wonderful way to serve others. From playing for the lonely widow next door to playing in church, there are many service opportunities available. Other ideas are playing at funerals, performing a concert at an assisted living center, playing at elementary schools, or just playing at a public park.


If you are interested in learning more about the benefits that music can give you (and your brain) check out these books!


There are countless benefits to giving your child a musical education. Here are 5:

1. Personal Enjoyment

2. Learning to Work Hard

3. Seeing and Hearing Their Accomplishments

4. Developing Their Talents

5. Serving Others

What are some of your reasons for making music a priority in your homeschool?

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