In 2017 our sweet baby girl almost died. She had multiple problems with her heart, but no one had any idea until her 2 month check up.

A couple of days after heart surgery. She had the feeding tube in since she was three months old because her heart had to work so hard that her little body couldn't keep up. She is perfectly healthy now.
During that excruciatingly hard year of constant round-the-clock care, I was still trying to homeschool. We didn't do a lot that year, mostly just the bare bones basics. The 2 years after that were also extremely challenging, as we continued to slowly wean her off the feeding tube. Feeding therapy, physical therapy, orthotist for helmet and leg braces, cardiologist, dietician and gastroenterology appointments occupied all of our free time.
As I further immersed myself in the world of homeschooling, I kept coming across parents who were trying to homeschool but really struggling to get out of bed every day due to chronic illnesses. Stories of families who had experienced a death or divorce or other earth-shattering event. Stories of new homeschoolers who had no idea how to get started or what to do (an experience I remember well).
During that terrifying year I kept thinking about this blog. I kept feeling like this website was something I needed to create. I wanted to help other homeschoolers by helping to ease their burdens, in whatever way I could.
With love,