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Homeschool Socialization Ideas

One of the biggest worries of new homeschoolers usually revolves around socialization.

You may wonder how you will find friends for your child, and how you will make sure that they aren't socially awkward.

Socialization is a big-ticket item that gets brought up repeatedly when you tell people that you are going to be homeschooling.

It seems that the people who don't support homeschooling are usually the ones that bring up this question.

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So what is socialization anyway? Dictionary.com defines socialization as:

“A continuing process whereby an  individual  acquires a personal   identity and learns the norms,   values, behavior, and social skills  

appropriate to his or her social position.”

Even though you may be really worried about socialization, those in the homeschooling community often gloss over this worry. They say things like:

"They will have many opportunities to interact with people of all different ages instead of just their peer group."

"Do you really want your child learning social norms from a classroom of third graders?"

"When they get to the workforce they won't be with people their own age anyway."

Wow. Not only are these sort of blanket statements vague, but they also don't take into account that kids want to interact with kids their own age. They want and need friends. 

If your child engages in any sort of group activity, they will be interacting with other kids that are either the same age or close to it. This could be boy scouts, dance, debate team, etc., all the way up to college. If they aren't regularly exposed to kids their own age, they are not going to fit in when they do join an activity. They need regular practice interacting with their peers. 

Even though we go to church every Sunday and our kids get to interact with kids their own age, it just wasn't enough to make them socially comfortable. When I would take them to the park they would literally stand and stare at the other kids playing for a good 40 minutes (when they were toddler and preschool age) before they joined in. I had to add more, and you probably will too if you want your child to be socially competent.

I am not saying that this has to be an everyday thing. Go to the park 3 or 4 times a month.  Have a couple of playdates every month when they are young. This is a great way for moms to find friends too!

Here are some ideas of things to participate in to socialize your kids. 

Physical ideas:

  • Dance class- Great for girls and boys!
  • Group swimming lessons
  • Track
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • T-ball
  • Soccer
  • Football
  • Group horseback riding lessons
  • YMCA
  • Bowling team
  • Ultimate frisbee team
  • Gymnastics class
  • Open gym at a gymnastics center
  • Indoor play places for kids
  • Park


  • Music lessons-Some teachers have students participate in a group music class at least monthly.
  • If they already play an instrument they could get a group together themselves.
  • Harp
  • Violin
  • Piano
  • Brass band
  • Woodwinds
  • Percussion
  • Choir
  • Orchestra
  • Drama-lots of community theaters will let you try out for different parts.
  • Art lessons-these are often taught in groups.
  • Drawing class
  • Watercolor class
  • Painting class
  • Sculpture and pottery classes.
  • Craft store classes-Try Michaels
  • Home Depot and Lowes kids classes.

I hope these extracurricular activities give you some ideas for things to try with your kids. And bonus, most of them fall under things you need to cover in homeschool anyway, like P.E, art and music!

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