When you are just starting to homeschool it can be really overwhelming to know what supplies you need for the school year. This is a list of my most frequently used materials. There are one or two that I am planning on getting in the future. If you see something you want to know more about, click on the picture to go to Amazon. The pictures take a couple of seconds to load but the descriptions are all there.
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My Top Picks
HP OfficeJet Pro 9015 All-In-One Wireless Printer
This is a much newer version of the printer that I have. Having the ability to copy and scan is going to really help you out while you are homeschooling. I LOVE not having to go down to Staples if I need to make copies or scan something in. Plus it is so nice to have a wireless printer.
Elmer's X-Acto Paper Trimmer
This is a fantastic paper cutter. I have used it hundreds of times and it is still as sharp as the day I bought it. I cut a lot of paper and laminated paper and it works perfectly for both. This paper cutter self-sharpens each time you use it, so it could potentially last the entire time you are homeschooling.
MAKEASY Binding Machine
This binding machine has never given me any problems. I like this one because it comes with a 100 pack of 3/8" comb bindings, so you don't have to spend time trying to find them yourself. If you like to buy PDF's instead of the actual textbook then this will pay for itself after a year or two. Even if you prefer to have your documents professionally printed, you can still save money by binding them at home yourself. Here is a video showing how easy it is to use and set up.
Paper Hole Punch
I love this hole puncher. I have had it about three years and it still cuts cleanly. It cuts through both paper and laminated sheets of paper perfectly. This hole puncher also has a little lock on it so you can store it closed, which is ideal if you live in a tiny house and storage space is at a premium.
Swingline Laminator
This laminator is a workhorse! I have laminated hundreds of things and it is still going strong 3.5 years later. Here are some things that I love about it.
- It doesn't take very long to warm up. It only takes a couple of minutes.
- You can use any brand of laminator pouches with it, so you can always buy the ones that are on sale.
- It doesn't get overly hot, so you can use it on your wood table and it won't damage the wood.
- It cools down very quickly.
- It has a hot and a cold setting.
- You don't have to put the laminating sheets into a cardboard folder before putting it in the laminator. You can just put the laminating sheet right in the laminator.
10 Drawer Rolling Cart
This is on my dream list. Right now our house is so small that we literally don't have any room for these, but when we add on in the next couple of years I am getting one for each kid! You can put each child's assignments in the order that you want them to go in. This is great for homeschooling multiple kids because some kids can be doing independent work while one person is getting help.
Pocket Chart
I'll be honest...I don't use this in all the ways that I thought I would, but I really like using it to display the daily homeschool schedule. It's also great because if I know our week is going to be a bit different for some reason, I can easily switch things around and it is a great visual reminder that helps me stay on track. I also like using it for a daily chore chart for the kids.
Sax Watercolor Paper 100 Sheets
If you have younger kids who love to do art, having a bulk set of cheaper watercolor paper is a great way to encourage their creativity. Also, pretty much any art curriculum will require watercolor paper so you will be all set. I couldn't find the brand I bought this year, but I did buy a bulk pack like this.
Pencil Sharpener
This pencil sharpener is awesome! My three year old put a pencil in eraser first. It jammed it and I had to use tweezers to get the chunks out, but it was like new after that and I haven't had any problems with it. It is easy to empty and I like that you can see when it is getting full.
I really like these Amazon Basic pencils. They come pre-sharpened and you can get them a lot cheaper than other brands. Many homeschoolers rave about Ticonderoga pencils being the best, but I honestly can't tell a difference and these ones are a lot cheaper.
I really like this stapler. It has survived my kids using it many times, and it is strong enough to staple things to walls. Like the time my kids decided to have an art show and staple every picture they have ever made to every inch of wall space in their room. 300 staples later they changed their minds and tore it all down. Durable for sure!
Erasable Colored Pencils
I love the Crayola line of erasable supplies. These colored pencils have been such a life saver in our homeschool. If one of my kids is having a bad day and they don't want to do their work, I can usually get them to pick their favorite color to do their assignment in. All of a sudden it is fun and they are really excited to do it.
Washable Sidewalk Chalk
Crayola comes to the rescue again with washable sidewalk chalk. I personally can't stand touching chalk (which is one of the reasons we don't have a chalk board) but my kids LOVE having a huge pack of chalk with different colors. I just keep it on our covered porch and they use it all the time while they are playing. They often draw things we are learning about in school, so it is a win-win in my book!
Dry Erase Markers
This is the first year I have tried these but I really like them. I like that there are so many colors and that they are two colors to each marker. My kids really like using them on their stuff too. My 3 year old wouldn't try practicing her letters until I got these and now she will practice them a couple of times a week. These are magnetic and the magnets are strong enough that they don't randomly fall off the white board. They also erase really well.
I know, this seems like a weird thing to include in a homeschool supply list, but you will be amazed at the amount of science experiments that require a balloon. When your kids find random experiments they want to try, balloons are something you can't substitute out. They are also great for rewards.