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  • 30 Fun Ways To Start A New Homeschool Year!

30 Fun Ways To Start A New Homeschool Year!

It's almost back to school time! Are you ready? It's OK to be excited and nervous! I know I am!

Here are some great ways to celebrate the first day of homeschool!

Remember, just pick 1 or 2 ideas. Even if you wanted to, you won't be able to do all of them in one day!

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  1. Start the day with a special breakfast-pancakes, donuts, strudel, etc. 
  2. Go out to breakfast as a family.
  3. Go out to dinner as a family.
  4. Start the day with an epic dance party.
  5. Take back-to-school pictures.
  6. Have pizza for dinner.
  7. Go on a family trip or vacation.
  8. Have a not-back-to public school party-even if your kids have always been homeschooled!
  9. Have everyone decorate their own study space.
  10. Have a water fight after you finish with school for the day.
  11. Decorate the homeschool room with balloons and streamers!
  12. Do an All About Me Activity. You can have your kids fills out a paper with pre-set questions you have asked or record them saying their answers!
  13. As a family create a motto for your homeschool year. 
  14. Make a banner (or use posterboard) and have everyone write some things they are looking forward to during the school year. 
  15. Have a game day for the first day of school!
  16. If the weather is nice, have school outside!
  17. Have everyone make a vision board of things they want to learn and accomplish; both scholastic and personal.
  18. Have a picnic for lunch.
  19. Have everyone wear fake mustaches all day.
  20. Do an art project where you can record your children's handprints and footprints. Paint or a hand print kit are both good options.
  21. Have a karaoke party!
  22. Stay in your pajamas all day.
  23. Wear silly hats
  24. Watch a special movie at the end of the day.
  25. Give everyone a multi-colored pen. (Was anyone else crazy about those when they were a kid?)
  26. Have an ice cream party after dinner!
  27. Start a fun or exciting family read-aloud book.
  28. Have your kids go on a scavenger hunt to find their new books.
  29. Make a giant fort and have school inside the fort. 
  30. Give everyone their favorite candy bar at the end of the day.

What fun things do you do to start off your homeschool year? 

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