With fall fast approaching, a new homeschool year is just around the corner! Do you have everything ready? Books? Pencils? A good and willing attitude from your children?
Oh yeah, that last and oh so important one. Attitude. If you are like many other parents out there, the fear of not being able to get your children to willingly participate in homeschool is a real concern.
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Here are some ways to ease into this new homeschool year!
- Make sure to sprinkle some fun activities into your first week back. This could include anything your kids enjoy, such as art projects, Play-Doh while you read aloud, or a trip to the zoo! You could play a game in the middle of your school day or add in something like Mad Libs.
- Do something fun after each homeschool day. Try a trip to your local park, or getting ice cream as a family. Maybe even watching a family movie together at the end of the week.
- Plan to ease into your first week. Don't add in every subject and every extracurricular activity your first week. You don't even have to add in every subject your first month. Just start with the basics.
Once you have a routine of reading, writing, and math, start adding in one or two other subjects a week. When you add in the other subjects, add them in slowly. For example, if you have a program that is designed to have several pages done each time, try only doing one page. Sometimes kids (and adults!) need time to ease into learning something so they don't freeze up. - Start with half days and gradually increase the time each day until you are up to where you want to be.
- Don't start on a Monday.
- Start stocking your freezer with freezer meals ahead of time. If you can get a bunch of meals made before school starts it will really make your day easier.
- Have a plan for the younger kiddos. Depending on their age, you might want to try things like giving them their own workbook, busy boxes, educational games, or confiscating favorite toys and only letting them play with them when you are teaching.
- Have a treat box as a reward for a good attitude about school. Treats can be anything that appeals to your kids that they don't normally get. Cookies, candy, stickers, pennies, etc.
- If at all possible, prepare your kids for your expectations for the upcoming school year months ahead of time. Keep reminding them of what the expectations are as a _____ -year-old, and some possible consequences if they refuse to meet them.
Then follow through on the consequences. If they learn you mean business the first week then the rest of your school year will go much more smoothly.
Hopefully these gave you some ideas for easing into the new school year! Also be sure to check out 55 Tips for Making Homeschool Easier!