Knitting is often one of the first handicrafts taught in a Waldorf education. It can seem overwhelming to teach a young child to knit, but it is important to remember that young children throughout history have always knitted to help with family work.
Here you will find everything you need to start teaching your child the handicraft of knitting. Books, classes, materials, etc. all in one place!
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Supplies Needed
To start knitting you only need 4 different supplies. Knitting needles, yarn, scissors and a tapestry needle.
Knitting Needles
Knitting needles come in a variety of shapes and sizes. For beginners it is generally better to start with a larger size. Even though there are different types of knitting needles, you will want to start out with 2 identical straight needles in a size that fits your yarn. (See Yarn below).
Here is a free chart from the Craft Yarn Council that shows what size needles (crochet and knitting) you need for each yarn size.
Most knitting needles in the US have the metric and the US size printed on them.
Basically, smaller weight yarns are paired with smaller knitting needles. It is important to match your yarn size with the needles that you have.
For beginners it is best to start with at least a size 4 yarn (worsted) or bigger.
Lighter yarns in a solid color are usually easier to see.
You will need scissors that can easily and cleanly cut through yarn. Most people already have a pair at home, but in case you don't here are a few options.
Tapestry Needle
A tapestry needle is also called an embroidery needle. It has a large eye and a blunt end. You use it for weaving in the ends of your finished projects.
If you have a child who tends to be reluctant to learn new handicrafts, it may be a good idea to just get books that have knitting as the theme and read them for awhile. That way the idea of knitting is already floating around in their heads before you actually suggest learning knitting. In the following list, Phoebe's Sweater, Henry's Hat, Freddie's Blanket and Phoebe's Birthday all have knitting projects at the end of the book so you can make the same items that were in the book.
The Knitting Guild Association-Membership program, knitting certifications, knitting correspondence courses.
Craft Yarn Council-This website has the Humans That Yarn Youtube series, instructional videos, and free patterns.
There are many charities that need donations of knitted items. This is only a small sampling. Each charity listed donates to a different demographic group, and the item that the charity needs is italicized and underlined.
Warm up America-This charity works with many different charities to distribute afghans to individuals and families in need.
Knit for Kids- They need children's blankets, mittens, scarfs and hats. Knit for Kids prefers that their items are made with acrylic yarn. They accept knitted items all year, and items are distributed around the world.
Knit-A-Square-This charity needs volunteers to knit an 8x8 inch square. Knit-A-Square then puts them together into blankets to send to orphans in sub-Saharan Africa.
Snuggles Project-The Snuggles Project knits blankets for animals in shelters.
The Yarn Film-"Meet the artists who are redefining the tradition of knit and crochet, bringing yarn out of the house and into the world. Reinventing our relationship with this colorful tradition, YARN weaves together wool graffiti artists, circus performers, and structural designers into a visually-striking look at the women who are making a creative stance while building one of modern art's hottest trends."
Shows and Podcasts
Off Their Needles A podcast video on Youtube where 2 lovely ladies discuss all things knitting.
The Knit Show A knitting show covering things such as lace, trends, big knits, etc.
Websites website has beginner tutorials, along with tutorials of many different projects with patterns available (free and for purchase) so that you can follow along. and tons of knitting projects, some free some to purchase.
Youtube Channels
VeryPink Knits-Tons of videos on knitting techniques, projects, crochet techniques for knitters, and some slow motion technique videos.
Studio Knit-Step by step instructional videos for beginners, and loads of tutorials.