Embroidery is the art of creating pictures and designs on cloth with a needle and thread. This page has many resources to get you started on learning the handicraft of embroidery.
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Supplies Needed
You will need an embroidery hoop, embroidery needle, embroidery floss, and scissors. You will also need a water soluble marker for drawing your design and some fabric to embroider.
Embroidery Hoop
You need this for holding the fabric taut while you embroider. Embroidery hoops are most often round, but they also come in other shapes and in many sizes. If holding the hoop is hard, you can buy a stand to hold it for you.
The Embroiders' Guild of America-This guild is "deeply dedicated to the study, preservation, and promotion of needle arts."
The National Academy of Needlearts "is a nationwide, non-profit organization devoted to the advancement of embroidery as an art form."
Needle n Thread-Tons of video demonstrations of different knots, tips and techniques, free patterns.
Sarah's Hand Embroidery Tutorials-Step-by-step pictures and descriptions of many stitches, and a stitch picture dictionary.
Namaste Embroidery-Self-taught embroidery artist that show you how to do different projects.
Cutesey Crafts-Some embroidery projects and tutorials.